D.J. Anime' (Drawing Japanese Anime) started in 1998, making 38 original tracks (most of them
unreleased) using only one keyboard. Because of getting bashed by plenty of people, D.J. Anime ended in 2000 and thus, Lord Katsuhiko Jinnai was born, making even harder sounding tracks as a remixer.
Album 1 - D.J. Anime' - Anime'ted
01. Flight of the Anime'tor
02. Last Love
03. Snow Runner
04. Once Again, You're Starting Over
05. Fabletalez
06. Lifespeed
07. Yokoso Nihon E
08. Days Without You
09. Shades of Age
10. Puzzle of the Oni
11. Memores Drift Away
12. World of Culture
13. I'll Love You Always and I will Never Forget You
Album 2 - D.J. Anime' - Digital Origami
01. Let's Dream Again
02. Orchid Kaminari
03. Rain Forever
04. the Future is Here
05. Junshin, Nagasaki
06. Digital Origami
07. Mecha 23
08. Rave Zero
09. Constellationz
10. Altar of Light
11. Ride the Speed
12. Sword of the Shogun
13. We Will Return
Album 3 - D.J. Anime' - Everyday... Silence Listens
01. the Center of Distraction
02. Raze the Days
03. Hatred
04. Sylvia Vu
05. Throw Your Hands Towards Heaven
06. Ohayo, Ayako Hashimoto
07. Battle D.J.
08. D.J. Anime' vs. Warren Fernandez
09. Goodbye, Jaime Tran
10. the Historic Battle of Mercado
11. Take a Hint
12. You...Forever
Flight Of the Animetor (re-animeted mix by Dark Otaku)
Last Love 2 (D.J. Anime's final track)